Use "involution|involutions" in a sentence

1. Held together by hooks and Angulous involutions

2. The possible types of endomorphism ring have been classified, as rings with involution (the Rosati involution), leading to a classification of CM-type abelian varieties.

3. (This process is called "involution.") Afterpains are typically mild for first …

4. And roll outlike a sheet, rolling into the Blastopore from all directions (involution)

5. In an early gastrula, mesoderm (red) involution occurs at the dorsal lip of the Blastopore

6. The observation of thymic involution and reduction in splenic weights may be indicative of potential immunotoxicity.

7. Over time, involution spreads around the Blastopore lip as the lip gets smaller and smaller due to …

8. Rationale: Afterpains are a normal occurrence and result from contractions of the uterus as it reduces in size during involution

9. The second layer, the Arachnoid mater, covers the brain and pia mater but does not follow the contour of the involutions of the brain

10. In mathematics and abstract algebra, a relation algebra is a residuated Boolean algebra expanded with an involution called converse, a unary operation.

11. Remarkable parallels exist between primary and secondary osteoplasty: The involution stability of the alveolar process is only presented in a spaceless tooth line.

12. Involution: due to increase in size of Archenteron as well as formation of yolk plug, there is rapid migration of presumptive areas within the embryo occurs.

13. Bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H form an algebra L (H) closed for the operator norm with involution given by the adjoint operation A↦A*; it is a C*-algebra, that is, an algebra over C with a norm ∥·∥ and an involution * such that A is closed for this norm and such that ∥ab∥ ≤ …

14. A 35-year old male patient suffering from Elastorrhexis generalisata (Pseudoxanthoma elasticum) showed testicular damage with focal degeneration of the tubuli seminiferi and premature involution of many tubular walls.

15. A case of Cushing's syndrome is described in which there was the unusual finding of bilateral “adenomatosis” of the adrenal cortex with an associated involution of the remaining cortical tissue.

16. Climacteric adjective Referring to the perimenopausal period of ovarian involution, characterised by physiological and psychological changes due to a decrease in sexual activity (men) and/or reproductive capacity (women).

17. Climacteric adjective Referring to the perimenopausal period of ovarian involution, characterised by physiological and psychological changes due to a decrease in sexual activity (men) and/or reproductive capacity (women).

18. Educate the patient on the process of involution (the return of the uterus to a nonpregnant state) and teach her how to assess/massage the fundus and to report persistent Bogginess to her HCP

19. This Avowal does not deter him from pointing out (6) that the metafictional nature of the Quijote, with its ramifications, involutions, Chinese-box tales-within-tales and presence of author-as-personage within the text, curiously - and even if direct influence is impossible - …

20. Stressed ducklings exhibited signs of the General Adaptation Syndrome; namely, involution of the bursae of Fabricius and thymus glands, hypertrophy of the adrenal glands (except in those birds injected with cortisone), and retardation of growth.

21. ‘In the complementary category of the protostomes, which includes annelids and arthropods, the Blastopore develops into the mouth.’ ‘One group, including amphioxus, lampreys, sturgeons and amphibians, displays the primitive condition, with holoblastic eggs and involution of the endoderm through a Blastopore.’

22. Now that which is of divine birth has a period which is contained in a perfect number, but the period of human birth is comprehended in a number in which first increments by involution and evolution (or squared and cubed) obtaining three intervals and four terms of like and unlike, waxing and waning numbers, make all the terms Commensurable and agreeable to one another.